Veneto, Marche and Sicily from 30 June; Lazio from 30 September; Friuli Venezia Giulia from 31 October; Umbria from 31 December. This is the list of the first six Regions in which – starting from the dates indicated – the fully operational phase of the electronic transmission of recipes starts. Above all, family doctors will have to remember this, because for them definitively the electronic prescription also means entry into force of the sanctions provided for by the national agreement regarding the sending of data.
The indications come from the Economy decree published the day before yesterday in the Official Gazette: an article in all, which provides the list of Regions that are fully operational and remember the ! conventional commitments to be borne by MMGs: «the doctor in agreement with the NHS» reads the decree «is required to comply punctually with the obligations referred to in the Prime Minister's Decree of 26 March 2008; in the initial application phase, the non-compliance is understood to have occurred if the prescriptions prescribed and transmitted electronically starting from the dates indicated are, on a monthly basis, less than the 80% of the total prescriptions compiled by the same doctor, for which the related pharmaceutical and specialist outpatient services are provided to the Healthcare Card System».
And here the problems begin. Because in some of the Regions listed by the provision, family doctors do not feel at all ready to go. The most striking case is that of the Marches, where the Fimmg is in turmoil precisely because of the electronic prescription. «Let them try to sanction us» attacks Massimo Magi, regional secretary of the union «i! we will challenge immediately: the Convention specifies that the transmission obligation is triggered in the presence of an agreement between the region and the doctors of Mg on the IT equipment, but here we have never reached any agreement. The administration insists that we send the prescriptions from the SAC (the Portal of the Health Card system, ed), we want a less problematic access point and ask that the Region explain to us how it will spend the 17 million euros destined for the electronic prescription given that the Sac is already there and belongs to Finance». Hence the agitation, which could even increase in tone in the weeks to come: «The administration has simply decided to ignore us» concludes Magi «on July 17 we have a regional assembly in which we will decide how to continue the agitation and, possibly, go on strike".
July 13, 2012 – DoctorNews