
Rimini. Drug thief stuck in hospital: with him a boulder and a stick, reported

Two men armed with cutters in the corridors of the Rimini hospital wards

09 September 2014 –

Two men armed with cutters in the corridors of the Rimini hospital wards: this is the disturbing report that arrived around midnight on Monday at 113. Once on the spot, the staff of the Volunteers inspected some rooms and immediately identified two men about to escape. The two were reached and searched by the agents: one of them hid a large boulder in the pockets of his sweatshirt, while a wooden stick and a plastic bag were found inside his backpack containing various drugs and garrison material worth, according to an initial estimate, several hundred euros.
The man allegedly justified possession of the boulder, arguing that he used it to defend himself against some North Africans who robbed him several times and that the drugs found were "found" in various departments.
The police officers accompanied the man to the police station for identification and for the subsequent complaint for the abusive carrying of objects capable of offending and receiving stolen goods.


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