Still distant orders for nurses, midwives, health and rehabilitation technicians.
Yesterday's Council of Ministers did not give the expected green light to the draft legislative decree developed by the Ministry of Health which provides for the establishment of three Federations of Orders within which each of the 22 health professions will have its own Register.
The further stop comes less than twenty days after March 4, the expiry of the delegation to the Minister of Health provided for by law 43/2006 and unleashes the anxiety of operators who believe less and less in a happy ending.
The reasons for the slowdown are the perplexities expressed yesterday by some ministers on the advisability of setting up new Orders and the consequent request for a pause for reflection. The dissent of the Federation of Midwives also weighs on the Orders, which at first approved the text, but then turned around by sending a letter to the Government and the Regions in which it "totally and absolutely rejects" the provision and requests an autonomous Order for the category (see "Il Sole 24 Ore" of Tuesday 12 February).
Good news for NHS personnel comes from the contracts front. The health sector Committee yesterday "adjusted" the address to the Aran for the renewal of the contract of over 570,000 non-executive operators, envisaging a mechanism that brings the average per capita gross monthly increases for the two-year period 2006-2007 from 101 to 103 euros, unblocking the stalled negotiation after the first meeting at the end of 2007. The unions will be summoned to the Aran in the next few days and the agreement can be signed ta after the go-ahead from the Council of Ministers for the new directive, expected within 10 days. "It can reasonably be thought that workers in the sector - said Romano Colozzi, chairman of the sector committee and Lombard councilor for the budget - may have payroll increases before the summer".
Finally, yesterday's Council of Ministers ratified the January agreement between Aran and the unions for the accession of doctors and non-medical managers to the "Perseo" national supplementary pension fund which concerns the regions and local autonomies and the NHS.
PDBu. Il Sole 24 Ore of 02/15/2008 REGULATIONS AND TAXES p. 34