Historical Archive

Strike of 6 September

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Dear Colleagues and Colleagues,


I invite you with heart and mind to consider joining the September 6 strike called by the CGIL and supported by other organizations for two important reasons:


1. The validity of his motivations (go to the site www.CGIL.it), beyond the organizations that promote it and the interests of the category. If you do a good analysis, you can well understand that with the approval of this financial manoeuvre, the interests are at stake and the fundamental rights of many who work, of many who have worked abundantly, of many who would like to enter.


2. The opportunity for our category, in the most difficult period from the point of view of employment and the maintenance of its professional profile, to demonstrate to the counterparties, to all the other workers and to itself that it is no longer that mass of "privileged" (again from the salaries and expensive good salaries) that moves only when the "house" is on fire.


In the demonstrations, in joining the national strikes or in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, I don't remember seeing many banners recalling the ISF. Whenever a strike or demonstration is called, calculating who has joined out of the total of all pharmaceutical companies, the ISFs can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

One can, as it is right, denounce the presence of castes, from political parties to union organizations, but I believe that this does not mean that one can shirk one's responsibilities, one's individual absences. Unions are made by workers, political organizations and social movements are made by militants. When a few workers and on their own get together and organize themselves to defend their rights, they are already a union, and mind you that even individuals do everything, minorities do everything, in a continuous attempt to reform it, to condition it to become the driving force.

You can't complain without getting your hands dirty, if you believe in what a "flag" represents but

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