Healthcare spending in Trentino increases. In 2008 the requirement will be 957 million and 592 thousand euros against the 923 million and 248 thousand euros of 2007. An increase of 3.72%.
In 2010 it will break through the ceiling of one billion euros, reaching one billion and 19 million.
Going into detail, we see that increases personnel costs due to the allocation for the prevention of accidents in the workplace. Pharmaceutical spending, on the other hand, should not increase, while that for the services of general practitioners, affiliated specialist doctors, plus 1.50%, for prosthetic assistance, plus 2.86% will see slight increases. A higher than average increase, 4,34%, is envisaged for the agreements with the RSA while the renewal of the agreement stipulated for the transport and medical aid, foresees for 2008 a spending increase of 100 thousand euros.