Historical Archive

Sos Sanofi to Errani, with a risk sector spending review

A heartfelt letter addressed to the president of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Vasco Errani, with an annexed request for help on the spending review. It was signed by the Sanofi top management in Italy, the president Daniel Lapeyre [right photo] and the general manager and to Arturo Zanni.

"We are asking you for a decisive intervention, in the appropriate forums within your competence, capable of preventing the worsening of the already severe crisis in the Italian pharmaceutical sector, in order to prevent maneuvers such as the one being converted from having a very high social cost for the employment impact, as well as in terms of innovation, competitiveness and sustainability". This is the appeal launched by the managers who also sent the letter to the governors of the regions in which Sanofi is present with plants and offices.

It is the spending review that haunts those who sit on the top floors of Sanofi: the provision being examined by the Senate Budget Commission, "operates a series of measures aimed at rationalizing the resources of the healthcare sector, however going to have an unfair influence on the sector pharmaceutical.

Not only. The sic et simpliciter conversion of this law would have repercussions on the entire industrial system of the country, with serious consequences for citizens and patients".

July 19, 2012 – PharmaKronos


Spending review. The amendments of the Pd arrive: "No to linear cuts in healthcare"

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