Drugs, Speranza: "Ready to put hands on the payback cap model"
“There are a number of things on which we need to intervene already in the coming weeks in the parliamentary appointments which will also be determined around the approval of the budget manoeuvre. I am thinking of the issue of spending caps and the famous payback. I believe that the time is ripe for overcoming the status quo.
It is evident that it is a model that doesn't work, it is a model that has tried in a season of extraordinaryness to define a way out, but from my point of view it cannot change from an extraordinary to an ordinary way of managing and planning spending”. Thus the Minister of Health, Robert Hope, at the public assembly of Assogenerici, which on this very occasion announced the change of name to Egualia.
"I have a fairly radical opinion of mine: it is that a planning of health expenditure defined exclusively for closed silos and expenditure ceilings is no longer able to respond to the fundamental needs of our national health service and the health demand expressed by our country - explains Speranza – This has been used for years in line with a season of rigor and austerity in which cost containment was the fundamental objective. We must now build a different model, imagine a reading that is not vertical but horizontal in nature”.
“My opinion – he concludes – is therefore that in the next few weeks, in the work that will accompany the final approval of the budget law in parliament, we can also address the issue of ceilings and paybacks which, from my point of view, must be overcome. This is a commitment that we as a government intend to make in comparison with the parliamentary forces in which we will measure ourselves in the coming weeks, also with the help of AIFA. And this is part of an overall strategy in which we want to try to enhance Italy's capabilities and potential”.