Historical Archive

Pharmaceutical expense.

Federconsumatori doesn't like the idea of introducing new health care charges at all, because it would only burden Italian families with additional expenses. This is the comment of the president Rosario Trafiletti, which can be read in a note issued by the association.
“To tackle the problem of waste and inefficiencies in the health system, a serious policy is needed to reorganize the entire hospitalization system and the consumption of medicines in our country. What we believe should be done is to implement the protected exit from hospitalization also by using and making agreements with voluntary associations; always reorganize within hospital centers by favoring and increasing day-hospital operations; intervene in the reorganization processes that reduce the times for the analyzes and therefore those of hospitalization".
Federconsumatori also proposes the large-scale use of equivalent medicines, which would reduce costs by more than 20% compared to branded ones, with total savings of approximately 250 million euro.
From “Farmacia.it” – 25 September 2006

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