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Qualification to access the profession of ISF

The profession of ISF (Scientific Pharmaceutical Representative) is regulated by Legislative Decree 219/06 and subsequent amendments. The art. 122, paragraph 2, dictates the requirements that informers must have. Among these the educational qualification which must be: degree in medicine and surgery, biological sciences, chemistry with an organic or biological focus, pharmacy, chemistry and pharmaceutical technology or veterinary medicine. Alternatively, scientific representatives must have a university diploma or three-year degree in scientific information on drugs.

With the Decree of 3 August 2007, published in the Official Gazette No. 198 of 27 August 2007, the degree in natural sciences and all the specialist or master's degree courses belonging to class 9/S - Class of specialist degrees in medical biotechnology, veterinary and pharmaceuticals and class 68/S – Class of specialist degrees in natural sciences. Class 1 degrees - Class of degrees in biotechnology - and class 24 - Class of degrees in pharmaceutical sciences and technologies are also admitted provided that the exams in pharmacology, pathology, toxicology, pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical technology and legislation have been passed .

Subsequently, with the Decree of 09/01/2009, degrees in class 62/S - Class of specialist degrees in Chemical Sciences - and class LM - 54 - Class of master's degrees in Chemical Sciences - are also admitted, provided that the exams have been passed of medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutical technique and legislation, or during the degree course or in specific postgraduate courses. 

If you have one of the degrees described above or an equivalent degree, you can work as an informant.


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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco