Historical Archive

AIISF present at the XII forum

On 09.06.2006 the XII RSU forum of the ISF was held in Milan, at the Marchesi Concept Cultural Center. The subject of the meeting was the need to evaluate the recently approved CCNL as a whole.
Numerous ISF colleagues delegates of their company RSUs were present, the AIISF represented by the colleague John Rinelli, Member of the National Executive of the Association, as well as National Head of Relations with Trade Union Organizations and FEDERISF represented by its President Charles Aloe.

During the meeting, the colleagues who were part of the negotiating delegation highlighted the undemocratic method adopted by the top management of the trade unions to obtain the approval of the hypothesis of agreement, also rejecting almost all the proposals made by the ISF which, if accepted, would certainly have led to a different definition of the role, profile and activity of the colleagues, finally clarifying and eliminating any ambiguity or different interpretation of the role of the ISF, making it more difficult for companies to more a profile linked to sales and less and less to the activity of Scientific Information.

It is strange and suspicious that some fringes of the OO.SS. they did not want, or were able to perceive, what the ISF were asking for; their requests have never been corporatist as someone has tried to imply and for this reason it was deemed necessary, as proposed by my colleague Rinelli , to ask for a meeting with the OO.SS. before the next National Observatory, to verify if there may be prerequisites for the construction of a path of collaboration to develop and resolve the problems of the ISF.

After extensive discussions on the colleague's proposal Rinelli , the assembly resolved to solicit a protest document from all the ISF members of the various trade unions. and then evaluate the possibility of looking for a meeting.
The Assembly also asked the AIISF and FEDERISF Associations to collaborate, because in this particular moment the unity of the category is necessary to demonstrate one's strength to anyone.


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