The rules passed by the executive
The drop in the tax par excellence emerges from the top hat of the Council of Ministers: the personal income tax. With the stability law, the government has decided to reduce the rates on the first two brackets of personal income tax by one percentage point. But the decision was made to the detriment of VAT: the estimated halt to the increase in the two rates that was to take effect in July is halved. There will be an increase, but only from one point.
But the Stability law contains many rules. Here they are.
LOWER IRPEF – Here comes the first drop in taxes, which will affect everyone. The rate on the first and second bracket is reduced: from 23 it drops to 22%, from 27 to 26%. The cost for the reduction of the first rate, which applies to all income, is 4 billion, that of the second bracket is worth another billion. Below 7,500 euros, which is the no-tax area threshold, nothing happens. Income up to 15,000 euros is also protected, which will not even be affected by deductions and deductions. Above this threshold, on the other hand, the Irpef rate is reduced, from 23 to 22% but the cuts to tax breaks are triggered: a ceiling of 3,000 euros arrives on deductions and for many deductions (but not on those for health care) a homogenization is introduced , with a deductible of 250 euros.
WAR PENSIONS – War and invalidity pensions will be subject to Irpef, but not below 15,000 euros.