
BAYER (MI): RSU elections. FILCTEM CGIL first trade union. FEMCA CISL: excellent result

Filctem press release

The Filctem Cgil of Milan celebrates the results of the RSU elections in Bayer. With 11 elected delegates, the CGIL becomes the first trade union organization.

“I intend to personally thank the workers of Bayer for the great trust placed in the union action of Filctem. – says Mario Principe who follows the company for the CGIL Category, – as well as the outgoing Rsu, who worked with passion and self-denial in the interest of colleagues and colleagues: we take up the challenge that this vote transfers to us, knowing that we will have the responsibility to act with ever greater commitment to the results we intend to achieve.”

Alberto Motta, general secretary of Filctem in Milan, was also very satisfied: “Bayer is an extraordinarily important company for us – he confirms – and we believe the decisive effort that we have put in at the service of male and female workers has been rewarded. A positive trend is consolidating for Filctem of Milan in the pharmaceutical chemical sector which photographs our daily work".

Bayer of Milan: Femca press release

Elections for the RSU BAYER headquarters, excellent result of the FEMCA CISL Milano Metropoli, with an increase in votes since the last renewal.

In Bayer headquarters, in the Interior Organization first college, in the ISF Organization second college, but with all candidates elected. Both in the internal college and ISF, the candidates FEMCA CISL MILAN METROPOLIS are the most voted from the point of view of preferences.

In Bayer Crops, Femca holds, 1 candidate an elected.

In the province of Milan, in the three BAYER units, the total number of Femca CISL Milano Metropoli Delegates is 15 delegates. First Trade Union Organization

Bayer SPA Milano Certosa, 8 out of 21 delegates; votes 289

Filctem CGIL: 9 delegates 315 votes Uiltec UIL: 4 votes 139

Bayer Crops Milano Certosa 1 delegate out of 4;

Filctem CGIL: 2 delegates 31 votes Uiltec UIL: 1 25 votes

Bayer Manufacturing of Garbagnate Milanese, 6 delegates out of 9;

Filctem CGIL: 2 Uiltec UIL delegates:1

Femca CISL Milano Metropoli thanks all the workers who have given us theirs preference and to all participants in the vote, a great sign of democracy.

We wish all the elected and newly elected a good job

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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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