
Campania. Medicines, crackdown on prescriptions from October 1st

For patients suffering from hypertension, cholesterol and osteoporosis, doctors will have to start with treatments with generic drugs.

From October 1, it will be more difficult to prescribe some drugs against cholesterol, hypertension and diseases such as osteoporosis. They enter into force i commissioner decrees 56 and 57 of 2014 relating to "measures to encourage prescribing appropriateness and to rationalize territorial pharmaceutical spending".

In practice, regional directives which in intention should limit waste, but which in practice risk causing numerous inconveniences to the community. General practitioners will be forced, to avoid warnings and penalties, not to prescribe some so-called designer medicines.

Some statins in particular end up in the crosshairs. If the general practitioner deems the use of these products essential, he will have to justify the prescription. Otherwise there are generic medicines. Those that can be indicated to patients under treatment.

(… continue on The City of Salerno – by Salvatore D'Angelo – September 29, 2015)

Related news: Campania. Decree 56 on designer drugs suspended: victory for doctors and pharmacists

Campania, new decree obliges doctors to justify the prescribed "branded" recipes

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