The economic crisis could lead to a cut in spending on communication in the pharmaceutical industry sector. "The world is trying to wipe out avoidable costs and rationalize resources: acting on internal organization and human capital is something that was already being done before, now perhaps the negative situation will have a greater impact on expenditure destined for communication". This was hypothesized by Sergio Dompe', president of Farmindustria, speaking on the sidelines of the presentation, yesterday in Rome, of a research on the topic of healthcare information in Italy. "Without a doubt – says Dompe' – the crisis is threatening the current organization of the market and, in addition to communication, we can imagine a slowdown in private investments in the future, in the sense that even a single investor, faced with the possible purchase of a The stock of a pharmaceutical company could be frightened by very long-term earnings. On the other hand, in the last 30 years, research has provided answers to major diseases thanks to drugs that today cost as much as a coffee. The problem is that the time for the development of medicines has multiplied by 20 or 30, with the increasingly stringent demands of the regulatory authorities for their approval.Finally, there is no longer the big market, because we go towards personalized medicine and treatments that are good for only a few patients. Making the sector truly attractive and profitable - he concludes - is increasingly difficult".