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Drugs: only profits and little research

Drugs: only profits and little research reports the BMJ

A complaint in the BMJ against the pharmaceutical industry which, in light of the immense profits, does not support any research nor the quality of drugs

Money, money, money would seem to be the ideal refrain for the activities of the pharmaceutical industries which, in defiance of research, aim straight only at profit and very little at drug research.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports it.

The approach of the pharmaceutical industry is that of marketing driven and exclusively aimed at profit, all the rest are just excuses that serve to disguise these privileged activities.

Pointing the finger at the pharmaceutical industry and its methods are two scientists, Joel Lexchin of York University in Toronto and Donald Luce, of the University of Medicine in New Jersey who speak on the BMJ.

The testimony of the two researchers is clear, the research is firm and what emerges from the grants of recent years has distorted the behavior of the sector.

So some figures emerge: 25% of multinational pharmaceutical revenues go to marketing, while only 1.3% are invested in research. A new drug on the market is about 1 billion dollars, but revenues for companies have increased by 6 times faster, which of course companies omit.

The complaint and the coming out of the two researchers wanted to highlight that research must be protected with funding and serious experimentation, that the agencies that control the new drugs on the market must be more severe in granting authorizations to prevent only poor quality and therapeutic value. In summary, according to the two researchers, research must be promoted with funds dedicated to serious activities. Reward new molecules if they are the result of serious research and proven efficacy.

 Ed.: the aforementioned news has already been reported also on 16 and 9 August with a direct link to the BMJ

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