Historical Archive

Pharmacists and work: waiting for the limited number, the solution is in Europe

From 30 April, the drug dispensing function within the new drug registers subject to monitoring has also been active for pharmacists. The Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) communicates it on the pages of the site, and adds: "We take the opportunity to recall that, based on what has been agreed with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the pharmacists authorized to access the monitoring systems are identified by the respective Regions and Autonomous Provinces through a specific census of the structures and authorized pharmacies". This means, the institution further clarifies, that this "functionality is active exclusively for pharmacies already identified by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and communicated to AIFA". In any case, given the constantly updated territorial coverage, the dispensing function is still active also for the hospital doctor for all the Centres, in this way the Aifa note concludes, it is still possible "in any case, the communication of dispensing data is possible even in the event of the absence of the respective profile of qualified pharmacist".

6 May 2013 – Pharmacist33





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