Historical Archive

Fimmg confirms the strike: not enough openings on pensions

We appreciate the openings on the Welfare Ministry's Enpam estate which has accepted the current balance criterion, but until the interpretation is put on paper we will continue with our protest. This was stated by Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg, the day after the informal meeting between the minister Elsa Fornero and the body's vicar vice-president, Alberto Oliveti. «We take note» explains Milillo «of the Minister's position: accepting the criterion of the current balance, which considers not only the contributions of the members, but also the proceeds of the assets as usable resources, to keep our social security institution in balance, represents a small step forward, but the law still states that the institutions must guarantee the balance between contribution revenues and expenditure for pension benefits according to technical balances referring to a period of fifty years". For this reason, at present, Milillo insists, "we believe that there are not sufficient guarantees for the protection of the legitimate social security interests of doctors and so, in compliance with the competences and in support of the funds, we will continue our protest, confirming the four-day strike starting from Thursday". Appreciations on the meeting also came from Enpam: «Minister Fornero» reads a note, «appreciated the reform path undertaken, but encouraged the governing bodies of the Foundation to proceed towards the application, albeit pro-rata, of the contribution method. Furthermore, the holder of the dicastery encouraged the unification of the various funds, to further pursue the reduction of administration costs, to immediately bring the age for early retirement to coincide with that of the public system". During the meeting, the diversification of patrimonial investments was also discussed: "a principle that ENPAM shares and has already implemented".

February 7, 2012 – DoctorNews

Even the pediatricians of the Fimp announce a strike for February 24th

Fimmg strike calendar  Thursday 9 February 2012 and Friday 10 February 2012
The studios will be closed for the whole day and urgent home visits will be guaranteed,
visits already scheduled for elderly patients and patients with serious illnesses.

Saturday 11 February 2012 and Sunday 12 February 2012
with guarantee of only the indispensable performances

February 06, 2012 – Health newspaper.it

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