Historical Archive

FIMMG: no to reference prices

The FIMMG reiterates its 'no' to the adoption of reference prices, in the Liguria Region, for the reimbursement of medicines already included in category A, the so-called proton pump inhibitors, medicines with gastroprotective and antiulcerous functions. This was announced by the regional secretary of FIMMG Liguria, Francis Priest, at the end of yesterday's meeting with the Councilor for Health of the Region, Claudio Montaldo. “FIMMG Liguria – Prete said – believes that not all proton pump inhibitors are equivalent, therefore the adoption of the reference price calibrated on the cheapest drug on the market is an exclusively administrative choice, not based on scientific evidence. In this sense, we are comforted by the position of AIFA, which issued a statement last Friday in which it expressed deep concern about the differentiations, from Region to Region, of prices and reimbursement of group A drugs, as these constitute a LEA which cannot be modified by the Regions". “Councillor Montaldo – continues Prete – has also taken note of the AIFA's position and is now waiting to know whether a further decision on the matter is the responsibility of the State or the Liguria Region”.

From fimmg.it 02-16-07

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