Fimmg, replaceability only with doctor's permission
The only clear thing is the intention of the legislator to influence the prescribing autonomy of the doctor. It is with these words that Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg, intervenes, in a note, on the rumors circulated of a further amendment to the paragraph of the liberalization decree on the generic, making it a rule that appears "increasingly confused". Milillo never misses an opportunity to recall that "the substitution with equivalent drugs can only take place with the explicit authorization of the doctor" and represents "the last chance for the doctor to know exactly which drug his patient will take". There are "a thousand" "clinical reasons" that justify this behavior. This is why Milillo launches a provocation: «Let the Government decide the drugs available to doctors to treat Italian citizens, it assumes the responsibility of saying that only generic drugs are available at the lowest price. Take the others out of reimbursability, taking responsibility for them. Doctors refuse to be the useful idiots who formalize other people's decisions." On the hypothesis of a direct indication in the prescription of the generic drug, he once again reiterated his opposition Farmindustria, which denounces "forced transfers, moreover without benefit for the NHS or the citizen, of market shares to the detriment of companies that have been investing in the area for years in innovation, research and production" and which will suffer "devastating effects". The measure "would effectively force the doctor to indicate and the pharmacist to dispense only generic medicines, triggering an unacceptable distortion of competition to the detriment of branded products".
January 25, 2012 – DoctorNews
Farmindustria against generic norms
The association is appealing to Parliament and the Government to cancel it
"The Board of Farmindustria, meeting yesterday in Rome, forcefully denounces the devastating effect on the country's pharmaceutical companies, which will derive from the provision included in the liberalization decree which in fact - by diverting almost all medical prescriptions to generics alone - cancels ex lege one of the most hi-tech sectors of our economy. Farmindustria, in convening an extraordinary assembly, appeals to Parliament and the Government, in particular to the Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera, to renounce the provision in the interest of companies, workers and of the country". That's what I denounce