
FIMMG. General practitioner strike on May 19: methods and reasons. Against SNAMI and SMI

fimmg_bluRome, April 24th 2015
Prot. GM/2015/220
Advance via Fax and sent Registered mail

To the Minister of Health
Beatrice Lorenzin
To the Minister of the Interior
Angelino Alfano
To the Minister of Labor and Social Policies
Giuliano Poletti
To the President of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces
Sergio Chiamparino
To the Presidents of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano
and pc To the President of the Guarantee Commission for the Implementation of the Law on the Strike in Essential Public Services
their locations


Subject: general practitioners' strike proclaimed - breakdown of days of absence from work by sector.

The SS.LL are hereby notified that the Fimmg (Italian Federation of General Practitioners), the trade union representative of general practitioners, after the time set for any cooling and conciliation procedures by the Ministry of Labor after the declaration of the state of agitation on 16 December 2014 (Prot. n. GM/2014/692), renewed on 7 April 2015 (Prot. n. GM/2015/165), proclaims the national strike days indicated below for the Category, broken down by sector.

The methods of the strike, in compliance with current legislation, will be as follows:

1. general practitioners in the primary care sector: closure of all studies on 19 May 2015. From 8.00 to 20.00.

The doctors will guarantee, as essential services, as provided for by paragraph 3 of the art. 31 Current ACN:

  1. urgent home visits
  2. scheduled care visits to terminally ill patients
  3. integrated home care services (ADI)
  4. as well as the additional services defined in the context of the regional agreements

2. continuity of care doctors: absence from work from 20.00 to 24.00 on 19 May 2015.
The essential services will be guaranteed according to the provisions of paragraph 4 of the art. 31 current NCA.

3. emergency medical doctors: absence from work from 8.00 to 12.00 on 19 May 2015.
The essential services will be guaranteed according to the provisions of paragraph 4 of the art. 31 current NCA.

4. doctors of local services: absence from work from 8.00 to 12.00 on 19 May 2015.
The indispensable services identified by paragraph 12 of the art will be guaranteed. 78 ACN in force

5. prison doctors: non-access to the Penitentiary Institutes of the Doctors in charge for the day 19 May 2015.
The following essential services will be guaranteed:

  1. emergencies.
  2. visits to new Joints.
  3. the NO to the starters in the cause.

The protest action is addressed to the Conference of Regions for the non-implementation of law n. 189 of 2012 which provides in paragraph 6, article 1, the obligation for the Regions to reach the stipulation of the National Collective Agreements for general medicine within 6 months.

Negotiations have currently been suspended for about 6 months, despite the fact that on 4 March a political document was shared between the union organizations representing affiliated medicine and the President of the Regions-Health Sector Committee with the explicit aim of quickly restarting the negotiations for the renewal of the agreement.

Fimmg reiterates that inertia finds no justification in the economic crisis to which the country is subject, because it is clear in law n. 189 of 2012, in the 2014 and 2015 stability laws and in the will of the parties, that the renewal must take place with constant resources; precisely the rewriting of the Convention constitutes a fundamental moment for the urgent reorganization of Primary Assistance and therefore also for a more rational use of the resources made available for the financing of the NHS and therefore represents a contribution to the sustainability of the NHS itself, an aim which, together with the protection of the health of the population, any administrator interested in the public good should pursue in the shortest possible time.

Other days of strike will be proclaimed to follow in the following weeks and months, until an adequate response is obtained from the Conference of Regions.

The above to fulfill the obligations established by current legislation.

Best regards.

Giacomo Milillo

FIMMG press release – 04/24/2015

Related news: SNAMI. Considerations on the progress of the negotiations for the rewriting of the ACN

SNAMI. This strike is wrong!

SNAMI. Self-regulatory code for the exercise of doctors' right to strike members of the Italian Federation of general practitioners in the sectors of primary care, service medicine, continuity of care and medical emergency with an agreement with the SSn. Cooling and conciliation procedures.

SNAMI. Meeting in Rome with SISAC: WE WERE RIGHT

SMI. HEALTHCARE, on the FIMMG strike of 19 May, there are those who say no to a protest against general practitioners!

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