Historical Archive

Green Hill. Seized the breeding of beagle for experimentation

Green Hill: beagles for experimentation 'because they're tame'

(AGI) - Rome, July 18. – The beagle continues to be the most used dog breed for scientific purposes. According to the Anti-Vivisection League, the choice was not made for genetic, anatomical and physiological affinity, but for the size, the length of the hair (for injections and samples), cardiac resistance, docile temperament and the ability to live in a group, in so as to be easily housed and cost less. Italian law strongly limits the use of dogs, but despite the constraint of the specific authorization, there are still many animal enclosures that use this species. In Italy, about 1,200 dogs a year (GU53 statistics) are subjected to toxicological tests, tests for drugs and for the production of equipment.
Animal experimentation, according to the Lav, involves about 150 million animals every year, bred for scientific purposes on the basis of the European directive 2010/63EU and the current national decree 116/92. There is no limit to the species that can be used in the procedures: dogs, cats, monkeys, endangered and wild animals, even if the most represented ones continue to be mice and rats due to their low cost, easy handling and high prolificity '. The applications on this species are many; toxicity studies for industrial substances, toxicity for substances of abuse, such as alcohol and drugs; organ and tissue transplantation; cancer; war tests; basic research in any sector.


If the acetylsalicylic acid (active ingredient of "aspirin"), highly toxic to dogs and cats, had been tested on these animals, the modern era would never have been able to use the advantages of this remedy - from the undisputed and still very valid therapeutic activities – coming from nature. In fact, aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the salicylate family which has an extremely vast field of use and is also used as an anti-aggregant and blood thinner, as well as an effective analgesic and antipyretic.


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