The position of Cittadinanzattiva on the post-vote, expressed from the General Secretary Anna Lisa Mandorino in an interview for Policy and Procurement in HealthCare, it is clear:
“No party force, even at the top of its consensus, can face the complexity of the current situation alone”.
“[…] we active citizens must supervise, collaborate, intervene, even clash when necessary, alone and in alliance with all the subjects who have the general interest at heart. The institutions, for their part, must encourage discussion and collaboration“.
This is what Cittadinanzattiva also expressed in its Manifesto "Beyond the elections“.
“On the agenda of the new government, the first items to be tackled for healthcare will be: the reform for non self-sufficient elderly people, the release of the tariff decree, a plan for the recovery and overcoming of waiting lists and information campaigns and communication on the importance of vaccines and prevention.”
Among the topics that Cittadinanzattiva clearly indicates “public health and investment in the National Health Service; the school as a place of choice for building the future of the country; a unitary policy and public policies dedicated to both the elderly and young people, considering the demographic trends that characterize our country; the development of a Europe of rights and the practice of European citizenship.”
“There are three themes that recur throughout the programmes (of the parties in the electoral campaign, ed), and this is certainly a good thing because it foreshadows the possibility that there is not only a dialogue, but a real collaboration also between majority and opposition forces: these are the issues of territorial and proximity assistance, investment in operators, the recovery of waiting lists for services and care neglected during the pandemic. Obviously, the ways in which we intend to address the three issues are not indifferent, but this depends on the confrontation between the party forces in the appropriate institutional forums.
What to do in the first 100 days of the new government? “Definitely give impetus to the reform for non self-sufficient elderly people, envisaged by Mission 5 of the Pnrr, for which approval is expected by spring 2023; unlock the Rates Decree through close and urgent discussions with the Regions, to finally make the essential levels of assistance, updated in 2017 but not yet in force, payable; a national emergency plan and close monitoring of the Regions for the recovery and overcoming of waiting lists.
I would add that, given that in tackling the Covid issue the centre-right highlights in its program the need for prudent and responsible individual behaviour, information and communication campaigns are needed for citizens on the importance of vaccines and on the need for prevention at 360°, and support for active interventions that allow easy access to every intervention envisaged for prevention, from vaccines to screenings.”
Laws the text of the interview and download the Manifesto of Cittadinanzattiva "Beyond the Elections".
Cittadinanzattiva was born in 1978 with the name of Movimento Fedetivo Democratico from the initiative of a group of young Catholics, of democratic inspiration. It immediately characterized itself as a secular movement open to all. In 1998 it strengthened its activity by extending its fields of action to services of general interest, consumer rights, justice and education.
In 2000 it assumed the name of “Cittadinanzattiva”. In 2003 he joined "Independent Consumers", a grouping of 5 important consumer associations (Cittadinanzattiva, Confconsumatori, Citizen Defense Movement, Consumer Movement and National Consumer Union).
Civic participation in healthcare: "The Ministry's guidelines, an important result"
04 October 2022
Laws the press release. Download theAbstract And the Civic Health Report 2022.